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What is Banasta

Banasta is a domain auction system where you can find the best domain for your business or you can sell your domain at the best price.

In Banasta our users have a control panel in which they can follow the evolution of all their sales and purchases. In the Cantrol Panel, users can place bids for domains, modify the price of auctioning domains of their own or search for new domains to buy.

Thanks to Banasta you can find potential buyers for your domains and choose among them the one that is willing to pay the highest price for it. Once you find the best buyer for your domain through Banasta, Banasta will give each of the participants (seller and highest bidder) each other's contact details so you can end the negociation in total privacy.

In order to participate inour system you just need to fill up a registration form. Once your registration is accepted you will receive an activation link to activate your account. Once you are registered you will be able to actively participate in our system selling domains or bidding for them.

Registro y alojamiento de dominos http://dominios.net